877-7BIGSUR | Support

Disable autoplay of videos on Facebook

Hi All, A few people have asked me how to disable the autoplay of the Facebook video’s. Its easy actually. You go into settings, and click on Video and then set auto-play to off. I hope this helps 🙂

Information about CryptoWall Ransomware

Hi All, I wanted to post an article to talk about CryptoWall. CryptoWall is classified as a Trojan horse, which is known for masking its viral payload through the guise of a seemingly non-threatening application or file. Its payload involves encrypting the files of...

Things to know about the Big Sur Desktop Agent

Greetings, This article will talk about what the agent actually does. In order for us to support you, we require that the Windows or Mac agent is installed on your desktop. A desktop is not considered supportable until the agent is installed. You may notice a bit of a...

Delivery Notification email from the postmaster

Hi All, In this article I will explain the “Delivery Notification” email you may receive from the postmaster. Short version – You can ignore it as its an FYI email. Chances are its just junk. What you see by the above is that we have a policy that...

Formatting a Windows Desktop – Info Inside!

Lets say your PC has become slow, or its time to replace that hard drive due to a failure. If you have the PC brought to our office, we can normally turn it around in a few days (4 to 8 Days) .It normally takes 4 or so hours of keyboard/billable time to reformat a PC....